Discover How Financial Experts Have Robbed Your Power and Lied To YOU!
If you are reading these words you should be angry. Very, very angry! So-called financial experts have kept certain principles from you for years.
Secrets. Important secrets that, had you known them, would have made your life much simpler and much more profitable.
Becoming Your Own Banker reveals secrets kept from you all these years because of the mindset that is predominant in the entire financial world.
Written originally as a textbook designed to accompany a 10-hour course, Becoming Your Own Banker is designed for the layman, not the financial professional.
Learn how to put these secrets to work in everyday terms. . .not financial double-speak. Here is some of what is revealed to you:
. . .and so much more! There are 84 jam-packed pages containing financial blueprints that, if applied, can open up a whole new world for you and those you care about.
Discover for yourself, these important secrets and make your life much simpler and much more profitable.